About Event Technology
Audio Video experienced for 10 yearsEvent technical management presence in the market since 2004
Our team constantly evolved, with the support and constant investment in the latest equipment for our partners and clients always benefit from the highest quality and latest technology.
We are technical producers for show and corporate events industry, effectively managing professional equipment of entertainment, sound, lights, video and simultaneous translation.
Team Event Technology is managing a portfolio of audio video equipment that can satisfy any type of event realization. Our efforts being permanently channeled to provide high quality, truly professional, customers and partners.
Experience and Technology
Most well-trained technicians are the demands of any event, using the latest professional equipment (speakers, digital mixers, wireless microphones, headphones, mixers video, etc) for you to get the best presentation of the event.
We take care of Design and logo scenarios stage events and presentations are suitable prestige events and topics they cover. All suggestions are described in models which are adjusted according to customer requirements.
Those working visit scenic design every time zones to install scenarios investigating the site features, giving best suggestions to be used as the effective operation of the script. In this way we were able to offer the best solutions every time.
What our clients say
Why not just our words, here is what and partners about us!
Pentru noi relatia cu Event Technology a alunecat usor spre prietenie bazata pe incredere reciproca si respect.Ne bucuram de sprijimul lor in mod constant indiferent de amploarea evenimentelor sau de locatia aleasa. Echipa Event Technology este o echipa tanara plina de resurse , proactiva care stie sa sa adapteze , sa faca fata celor mai exigente cerinte dar si sa se incadreze intr-un anumit buget si timp ceea ce este foarte important pentru noi.
A fost si este in continuare o placere absoluta de a lucra cu Event Technogy . Fiecare membru al echipei este competent, jovial si raspunde in fata nevoilor si asteptarilor noastre asigurand succesul evenimentelor derulate cu sprijinul lor. Evenimentele noastre sunt destul de complexe cu un numar mare de participanti , ceea ce implica multe echipamente cu sesiuni ce apar simultan intr-un loc cu camere pe mai multe niveluri, fiecare sesiune avand cerinte unice audio-video, set-up-uri pe care echipa de la Event Technology se asigura sa ruleze fara probleme. In plus sunt deschisi la la toate cerintele surpriza sau problemele neasteptate ce pot aparea si pe care le-au rezolvat intotdeauna cu promptitudine si cu cel mai mare profesionalism. Recomand serviciile oferite de Event Technology cu toata increderea.
Event Technology ne-a oferit servicii excelente pe toata relatia noastra. Ei au fost transparenti cu privire la costurile serviciilor si au lucrat indeaproape cu noi pentru a adapta serviciile lor la nevoile noastre oferind in acelasi timp cea mai buna valoare pentru bugetul alocat. In zilele de eveniment respecta detaliile comunicate de noi asigurand succesul acestuia prin implicare 100%. Concluzia este ca asteaptam cu nerabdare sa lucram cu Event Technology in viitor si ii recomandam pentru nevoile dumneavoastra la evenimente, indiferent de cat sunt de mari sau de mici.
Have a question?
For any information about our services contact us. We assure you that we will respond as soon as possible.